Comkey Therapy

Comkey Therapy proudly works as part of a team, including parents, caregivers, teachers, physicians, and others.
With over 7 years of combined experience Comkey has the knowledge and expertise to accurately identify deficits and develop a plan for achieving success.
We Work With You!
Providing Total Communication Care for the Next Generation
​We provide specialized home and office visits
involving therapy for individuals from pediatrics to the geriatrics who may suffer from speech, language, cognitive-communication, social, behavioral and feeding/swallowing disorders. Family and caregiver involvement is an integral part of our treatment and parents/caregivers are critical members of the ComKey Team

Comkey accept's most insurance providers such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Aetna, Husky, Medicaid (traditional and HMO) and Medicare as well as accepting self-pay clients with flexible payment options available.
ComKey Therapy provides specialized office and home visits (depending on location) for the pediatrics to geriatrics population.